Thursday, October 4, 2018


Spend 3-5 sentences describing the programs and commands you know how to use in your Unix shell (besides games). What is pico and what does it do? What is g++ and why do we need it? What about "./a.out"? Look up one other command or program and describe what it does.

Unix shell is important because it is the industry standard and a lot of companies are using it. I know how write code, save it and then compile it. To write it you need to type pico into the console window then hit enter. You write all the code you need, then to save it you need hit ctrl+o, name it then hit enter. Then you exit it by hitting ctrl+x. That is how you write the code. to run and compile the code you need to press, g++ and the name of your code, then type ./a.out to run the last doc file. If you wrote your code with no bugs it will run successfully. 

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