Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Game I dont like but is good. 2/28

What's a video game that you personally don't like, but have to admit it's a really good game? What makes it good? What makes you not like it? Can you think of any games that became really popular, even though they were badly designed or vice-versa, games that were really great, but for some reason didn't catch on? In each case, explain why you think this happened?
One game that comes to mind that I do not like is Smite. I don't like it because it is hard for me to learn. Although I didn't like it, it is very popular with a large fanbase. It is well funded battle arena with good mechanics if you know how to use them. I played with friends who are experienced players. I could not get into the game so I just stopped playing it.  

array/vector 2/26

Explain how arrays/vectors are used in SNEK so far. Where in the code are they used, and how are they used?
Arrays and Vectors are being used as the tail function, adding onto the trail and getting rid of it. It is also used to put apples on the map. Most of this stuff is used in the timer section.

post mortem 2/22

Do quick internet research of what Post Mortems are in the Game Development Industry. Briefly explain what they are and why they're useful.
Then, do a short post mortem on one of your most recent games or programs
Post Mortem- A project post-mortem is a process, usually performed at the conclusion of a project, to determine and analyze elements of the project that was successful or unsuccessful.
My Pacman Game
  • Death function worked
  • winning condition worked
  • when you eat the dots it added to the score
  • wall collision worked well
  • losing condition worked
  • The ghost AI was really dysfunction full
  • no sprites 

Semester progress 2/21

Think on the semester so far. What's going well for you? What have you learned? What are you struggling with?
How could Dr. Mo improve the class? Any teaching strategies to recommend? What sort of assignments/projects would you personally like to see?
So far I have been doing good this semester, there are some things that I want to expand on. One thing I am still struggling on is vectors. I have no advice on improving the class because so far it seems fine to me. 

Plans after high school 2/20

Tell me about your plans after high school. Are you planning on working, going to school, or both? Where and what will you be doing?
I am going to take advantage of the 5th year that cec is doing and get my associates. 

Game critique 2/18

Based on what you noticed from this article, what are your goals when you write your next game critique?
My main goal is to blow up and then pretend like I don't know nobody jajajaja

Friday, March 1, 2019

Drawing circle and rectangle 2/19

Describe how the Allegro draw circle and draw rectangle functions work. What parameters do they take and how do they impact the shape drawn?
 For the circle, you need the x and y coordinate and then the radius, the color and then the thickness. 
For the rectangle, you need the first  x coordinate, the y position, and then the second x coordinate , and then the second y position. You need to have correct coordinate or it will look wonky.