Tuesday, February 12, 2019


Based on what you noticed from this article, what are your goals when you write your next game critique?
Try to use my past experiences in my writing. 

for loop

How would you explain for loops to a non coder? What do they do, and how would you write one to print out the numbers 1-10? 
Loops are when the program ends it goes back to the beginning and start again.
for(int i =0; i<10;i++)
What's the difference between a single for loop and a nested for loop? What do nested for loops look like in code? What sorts of things are they used for in game programming?
A single for loop is one for loop and a nested for loop is 2 for loops. A nested for loop is one for loop on top of another. They are used to make boxes. 
What do you think the most common bugs are when coders work with for loops? Are there any mistakes you regularly make with for loops, or any parts about them that make you confused still?
I think the common bug is the way they have the for loop set up. 

array v vector

 Compare and contrast arrays and vectors. How are they similar? How are they different? Think of example of when you'd use each in a game.
Arrays and vectors both hold variable that would've been multiple separate ones. They are different by arrays have a set number of spaces when vectors are dynamically created which means can be flexible. A array can be used as a fixed inventory in a adventure game. A vector can be used when you use an upgrade to increase the size of you inventory. 


What is a non-sequitur? Provide an example. 
It is when someone responds to your argument but it does not logically follow what you said. One example is when you are arguing with someone on call of duty, they are gonna sound stupid every time they respond. 

What is surrealism? Do an image search and post a picture of your favorite surrealist work.

a 20th-century avant-garde movement in art and literature which sought to release the creative potential of the unconscious mind, for example by the irrational juxtaposition of images.

Do you agree with the Idea Channel's claim that Mario Brothers is surrealist masterpiece? Why or why not? Provide examples of other games that fit your opinion.
Yes it is because of the unnatural environment. Another one that fits is Sonic the hedgehog. 


 Arrays are super important for storing data in games, especially maps. Review what an array is and what they look like in code. Explain how to iterate through an array using a for loop. When is it best to use a set of variables versus an array? Why would you want to use an array, and not just a series of variables?
An array is a variable of any type that can store what you need. They would go above main and look like this: 
int array[5];
The for loop would go above the array and you out how big your array is in the for loop like this: 
for(int i = 0; i<0;i++)
It is best when you have to input multiple things, and you would use array instead a set of variables because it is easier.

"easy to learn, difficult to master"

A good video game should be "easy to learn, difficult to master". Think of a game that really fits this description, and explain why it fits, using specific examples from the game itself. Then list a counterexample, of a game that has a tough learning curve, making it frustrating from the beginning. Did you have to read instructions? How far did you play it and why?
Fortnite is a free game anybody can learn and play but what is so difficult to master is the fights you get into. Everybody you fight is different, so you have to adapt to every situation. I feel like one game that was hard to learn right away was smite. Thank the lord and savior tachanka I played with my friends because I would struggle so hard if I played solo. They taught me the essentials of the game. For example the character build you want, I would have never learned that.